Late and slowly some wake up

Netanyahu does call a ceasefire or humanitarian corridors “submit to terrorists” and therefore: No. Submit to the need for life of millions of unarmed civilians, that is. But of course, the Israeli plans are otherwise. It is time we stop to talk always first of October 7th, because now it is not the smallest justification for the ongoing genocide.

After the German government said, it relied on the lawfulness of Israeli warfare, they finally found out. Also the grievances in the Westbank, where nobody dares to leave the house for fear of being shot, schools and medical care and everything are shut for almost a month now, and people are forced out by settlers.

Here is the German appeal to Israel:

We call on Israel to protect Palestinians from the activities of
extremist settlers and to hold those responsible accountable. Israel, as
the occupying power in the West Bank, is responsible for ensuring the
safety and security of the Palestinian population in the West Bank. It
must be ensured that Palestinian families can remain where they have
lived for decades and are not forced to leave their traditional places
of residence out of fear for life and limb, for example in the community
of Susia.”

“Wir rufen Israel dazu auf, die Palästinenserinnen und Palästinenser
vor Aktivitäten extremistischer Siedler zu schützen und die
Verantwortlichen zur Rechenschaft zu ziehen. Israel als Besatzungsmacht
im Westjordanland obliegt es, die Sicherheit und Unversehrtheit der
palästinensischen Bevölkerung im Westjordanland sicherzustellen. Es
muss gewährleistet sein, dass palästinensische Familien dort, wo sie
seit Jahrzehnten ansässig sind, verbleiben können und nicht aus Angst
um Leib und Leben gezwungen sind, ihre angestammten Wohnorte zu
verlassen, so zum Beispiel in der Gemeinde Susia.”

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